Think You Could Survive An Interview With Him?

Think You Could Survive An Interview With Him?

Zac Wilder is an tree veteran with over 25 years of experience as a tree climber and wrecker. Zac considers himself a father to all his employees, especially the rookies who need mentoring in their personal lives and work lives.

He motivates rookies with a combination of friendly hazing and “scared straight” fear tactics that include taking them to the job sites of men killed in tree removal accidents.

Think you could survive an interview with him? Check out the job description: Arborist

@Zaxus #DeadliestJobInterview @Discovery Starts Fri Jan 29 10pm

1 Comment

  1. What a great surprise to turn on the TV and see my dear old friend Zac Arian aka Zac Wilder on Discovery Channel. Zac you are still the same sweet, lovable and funny guy I knew and grew up with. The show was awesome and you guys rock!

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